Sunday, June 9, 2013

Chuck E Cheese Party

I asked to have a Chuck E Cheese party this year -
so guess what?!!!??!!!....
My school friends were there....
..and so were my cousins Grayson, Delaney, and Reesie!!! 

........ oh and Chuck E Cheese was there too......
I played lots of games....even cleaned Mom's clock in air hockey!

I played so many games that I got over 600 tickets!
I was able to get the Rocket Launcher I had my eye on!!!

Chuck E gave me a high five!!  It was such a special day! 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Preschool Graduation 2013

I'm a pretty big deal! 
Just graduated from preschool
at Especially for Children!

.... recieving my "diploma"....
... news to Mommy, but ... I want to be an Army Man when I grow up!
Who knew!?!?!!!!
..... me and my buddies being crazy like always!!!

The ceremony was followed by a video of all of us kids from when we were little until now....  Yep - Mom cried!  She's such a softy.... but I think she was pretty proud of me!